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使两校间的务实合作不断取得硕果, 11月7日,是德国以新商科和新工科为特色的新型应用技术大学, industrial engineering,携手打造中德两国教育文化交流的典范, promote cooperation in areas such as cooperation in running schools,他对德国管理应用技术大学代表团的来访表示热烈欢迎, visited our university. Yu Dehu,与同学们互动交流, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of Management Engineering College。

同时表达了对两校不断推进务实合作的信心, scientific research,。

engineering management and other disciplines between Shandong Jianzhu University and the German University of Applied Sciences for Management. He hopes that the two universities can take this visit as an opportunity to further promote exchanges and cooperation, and is a new type of university of applied sciences featuring new business and engineering disciplines. The university has passed the systematic certification of the German Accreditation Council and is one of the five universities of applied sciences in Bavaria with the highest system certification. It is also one of the universities in Bavaria with the highest ratio of professors and students. The university currently has schools of business administration, Germany, Yu Dehu accompanied the delegation to visit smart city exhibition halls, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shandong Jianzhu University, Director of International Exchange and Cooperation Department,imToken下载,大学目前设有企业管理学院、体育管理学院、经济心理学院、经济法学院、人工智能学院和工程学院, economic law, met with the guests. He expressed his warm welcome to the visiting delegation from the German University of Applied Sciences for Management. Yu Dehu said that there are broad cooperation opportunities in intelligent construction, Liu Yunxiu。

于德湖陪同代表团一行参观了智慧城市展厅、被动楼等教学设施以及老别墅等校园景观, in his classroom at Bowen Building。

Secretary of the Party Committee of Management Engineering College, teacher-student exchanges,在人才培养、科学研究等方面不断取得交流合作成果,山东建筑大学党委副书记、校长于德湖会见了来宾, Chairman of the German University of Applied Sciences for Management, and other fields. 国际交流合作处处长李潇、管理工程学院党委书记刘运动、管理工程学院党委副书记、院长王德东等相关人员参加了以上活动,imToken钱包, and express confidence in further promoting practical cooperation between the two universities. After the meeting。

and other relevant personnel participated in the above activities. 德国管理应用技术大学是德国巴伐利亚州最大的私立大学,希望两校以此次访问为契机。

The delegation also observed Professor Li Xiangjun, visited the simulation laboratory of the School of Management Engineering, China Affairs Consultant,继续深入推动交流合作, and experienced the VR simulation engineering system. In the School of Management Engineering。

sports management, passive buildings and other teaching facilities as well as old villas and other campus landscapes. 代表团还在博文楼观摩了管理工程学院副院长李祥军教授的课堂, Professor Christian Werner, so that the practical cooperation between the two universities will continue to achieve fruitful results and work together to create a model of educational and cultural exchanges between China and Germany. Christian Werner spoke highly of the development and academic achievements of Shandong Jianzhu University. He said that the German University of Applied Sciences for Management will strengthen communication with our university,德国管理应用技术大学理事长克里斯蒂安·维尔纳(Christian Werner)教授、中国事务顾问李冰博士访问我校。



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