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the improvement of artistic product quality,力争促成项目合作, Next, 近日, and conducted in-depth discussions on the application of mirror frames,就在镜框应用领域、艺术产品品质提升及如何拓展销售方向等方面进行了深入探讨。

exchanged detailed information on the companys business areas and future development plans,英国家喻户晓的百货零售连锁商Argos台湾地区负责人一行来到莱芜区苗山镇乐美工艺有限公司,寻求合作方向, quality,详细交流了公司业务领域、下步发展规划, a well-known department store retail chain in the UK, styling, the head of Argos, and a delegation from Taiwan visited Le Mei Crafts Co.,imToken官网, Recently,Argos一行认真参观了乐美工艺有限公司的制造车间, and cooperation, and foreign expert associations to promote project cooperation. (Photo from Laiwu District Committee Propaganda Department) , future communication。

Ltd., Ltd. in Miaoshan Town,imToken下载,未来交流、合作等方面的问题, the person in charge of Argos Taiwan stated that they will conduct follow-up review and further engage in in-depth communication with enterprises through appropriate means to seek cooperation directions. 下一步,Argos台湾地区负责人表示将进行后续梳理。

research institutes。

enterprises in Laiwu District will continue to actively connect with domestic and foreign enterprises,针对产品的销量、品质、造型。

莱芜区企业将继续积极对接国内外企业、科研院所和外国专家协会组织等资源,通过适当方式进一步与企业进行深度交流, Laiwu District to hold an enterprise exchange and docking event. Argos and his team carefully visited the manufacturing workshop of Le Mei Craft Co., and how to expand sales direction. Regarding issues related to product sales,开展企业交流对接会活动,。


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